Hosted by Usaria, a UXalliance anual event

UXMC2021: Design for the future, design for everyone

  • Octubre 14, 2021 8:00 AM - Octubre 16, 2021 3:00 PM (-05-05)
  • El evento se realizará de forma virtual

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Workshop: 4 steps to ground your design on ethical and responsible practice

  • Octubre 15, 2021 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM (-05-05)
  • El evento se realizará de forma virtual

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¿Deseas conocer más sobre Hosted by Usaria, a UXalliance anual event?

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UXalliance: A global network of 26 leading independent UX companies, that helps organizations create better international products & services, by providing them with local research, insight and design.

Usaria: Mexican and Colombian consulting firm for strategic design and research.

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