OPEN DAY The Boston Consulting Group


The Boston Consulting Group has more than 90 offices in 50 countries, more than 14,000 employees, more than 900 partners, and more than 20,000 alumni. Now in our sixth decade, we continue not only to grow but also to embody the same timeless sense of purpose and the constant call for renewal. Helping organizations make the changes needed to seize competitive advantage—and to win—has always been BCG’s raison d'être. Since 1963, we have been helping leaders and their organizations build lasting advantage. The independent spirit handed down from Bruce Henderson, BCG's founder—always challenging the status quo—has given the firm the courage to look beyond the obvious to find solutions for the past 50 years. The breakthrough ideas that BC

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El evento 'OPEN DAY The Boston Consulting Group' finalizó el 15-Ago-2018.

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Detalles del Evento


Miércoles, 15 de agosto

8:00 am  a  12:00 m.

Lugar: Por confirmar

Dirigido a:   Estudiantes de pregrado, Estudiantes de posgrado de los programas de Administración, Ingeniería Civil, Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación, Ingeniería Eléctrica, Ingeniería Electrónica, Ingeniería Industrial, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Química y Matemáticas.


Ver Mapa
  • Lugar: Por confirmar
  • Dirección: Universidad de los Andes - Edificio Aulas, Bogotá, Colombia ¿Cómo llego aquí?


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